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Our School

Learn more about our history, mission and our staff

Image by Ryan Jacobson

Our History

"Everyone can achieve"

Emma Lee Broady’s educational journey was rooted in San Antonio, Texas.  She graduated from Phyllis Wheatley High School May 31, 1945.  After beginning her post secondary studies at St. Phillip’s College, Mrs. Broady attended Prairie View A&M and she graduated on May 21, 1950 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Home Economics.  For 22 years she continued to impact the lives of young people while teaching at Paul Lawrence Dunbar High School in Fort Worth, Texas. 


Mrs. Broady had an unwavering faith in God and in the value of education.  She believed that everyone could achieve.  The School’s motto, “It’s Never Too Late To Graduate” was a theme she exemplified to the many people who crossed her path.  Though she has gone to be with our Lord, Mrs. Broady would be delighted to know that her passion for the success of others continues to live on through Broady Academy which bears her name. We salute the life of this inspiring black woman who through faith and dedication blazed the trail for others to follow.


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Image by Ronny Sison

Our Mission

"It's Never Too Late To Elevate!"

The E. L. Broady Academy mission is to engage and develop students in an innovative, challenging, individualized, and career oriented learning environment that prepares graduates to thrive as tomorrow’s leaders, workers and citizens in an ever changing, technology rich and global society (Adopted by the Governing Board March 8, 2020)​.

Our E. L. Broady Academy goals are to:

  • Help our learners discover their vocational purpose

  • Give our students a relevant, engaging, and supportive learning environment

  • Include the learner’s previous life experiences when developing their portfolio

  • Individualize learning to reflect the outcomes desired by our learners

  • Continually engage in school improvement to keep our digital program realistic, relevant, challenging, and supporting.

E. L. Broady Academy’s Core Beliefs

  • Broady Academy believes that all students have a call on their life from God the Father and it is our aim to help our learners discover their vocational purpose.

  • Broady Academy believes that all students, regardless of age, deserve to experience a relevant, engaging, and supportive online learning environment.

  • Broady Academy believes that prior life experiences should be included in the learner’s overall academic portfolio.

  • Broady Academy believes that learning should be individualized when possible to reflect the aspirations and outcomes desired by the learner.

  • Broady Academy believes that school improvement must be continuous in order for the digital program to be realistic, relevant, challenging, and supporting.

The Bible
The Bible is the “Word of God.”


God the Father
God the Father is the Creator of everything. He is Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent. God is love.


God the Son, Jesus Christ
Jesus was born of a virgin and came as the once-for-all atonement for the sins of everyone who would accept Him as Savior.


God, the Holy Spirit
He is the author of the Scriptures, the comforter of the saints and assists the believers’ prayers.


A Brief Perspective on the Gifts and Baptism of the Holy Spirit
In salvation, the Holy Spirit brings the sinner to conviction and repentance of sins, gives faith in Jesus Christ’s death as payment for his sins, and brings salvation.


Man was created in God’s own image. Man was created with a physical nature, a mind and will, and a spiritual nature.


Salvation is “the gift of God.” Man must repent – turn from their sin; place their faith in what Jesus did for them on the cross.


Security of the Believer and Assurance of Salvation
Sinners are saved by the grace of God alone and kept “saved” by God’s grace alone.


The Church
The word “church” means “called out ones.” The true church is made up of people who have accepted Jesus as Savior and followed Him in believer’s baptism. The characteristics of a New Testament church are found in Acts 2. They are worship, evangelism, teaching, discipleship, community among believers, stewardship and service to others.


Baptism is a Greek word that means to immerse, plunge or submerge. Jesus was baptized to establish an example for believers. It is a step of obedience to Jesus, following salvation.


The Lord’s Supper (Communion)

was instituted by Jesus. It is a remembrance of what He did for us on the cross. The elements of the Lord’s Supper (the fruit of the vine and the unleavened bread) are symbolic of Jesus’ blood and His body.



Is not an activity of the mind; it is a response of the heart.



Believers have a responsibility to care for what God has entrusted to them. (Adopted by the Governing Board March 8, 2020)

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